Plateaus in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and how to overcome them.
The stagnation or feeling of not advancing is a situation that is experienced in Brazilian jiu jitsu throughout the different stages of the path to the black belt but that even after achieving this belt will continue to appear. Because stagnation is a situation that does not depend on the level you are at but on other factors. It is also a situation that not only occurs in the practice of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu but in all sports activities. In this article we want to analyze some of the factors that produce this phenomenon and offer recommendations that help overcome these stages that in some people can cause abandonment. If you pay attention to these factors it will be easier for you to get over the feeling and continue to enjoy endless learning in the soft art. Tips to overcome stagnation in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The first step is to analyze the situation and define what are the reasons that make you feel that you are not moving forward. For example, that the techniques you want to do do...