About the Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

The purple belt is one of the most rewarding belts in Brazilian jiu jitsu but at the same time one of the most frustrating for many people when they don't see the brown belt coming. In our opinion, the fundamental problem with the purple belt is that it requires the development of a personal game, where each person begins to choose and perform certain techniques and combine them to make them more efficient. Whereas a blue belt knows the basics and has an arsenal of techniques so to speak, the purple belt begins to specialize in some guard passes, takedowns, sweeps and submissions. It is at this point where it is necessary to understand that the development of this game of combinations is something very personal and that it takes a different time for each person. Many purple belts ask teachers what they need to do to get to brown or believe that evolution depends on learning more techniques instead of polishing their techniques and combinations to make them more efficient. So...