About the History of Science of Jiu Jitsu Team

About the History of Science of Jiu Jitsu Team

The beginnings

In 2013, Mario Rodríguez (three-degree brown belt from Yan Cabral at the moment) began teaching in Terrassa, Barcelona taking in charge a group that had been led by Jose Pelegrin a Robin Gracie black belt .

In June 2017 the team became part of Oscar Corrales Academy and Mario Rodriguez received his black belt from Oscar Corrales and Andre Crispin and launched his team project Science of Jiu Jitsu Team.

Why the name of the Team?

The team owes its name to our commitment to the search for the factors and details that guarantee maximum efficiency in each of the jiu jitsu techniques and movements and the constant work of learning from the greatest exponents and masters of the discipline.

Also with the intention of establishing teaching programs that help the best and fastest evolution of students.

Science of Jiu JitsuIts broader mission is the dissemination of BJJ to people of all ages and physical conditions and its application to special situations such as child bullying, gender violence and the work of security forces and other professionals.

Some of these special programs are the following:

  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu applied to the prevention of bullying and aggression.
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu applied to the prevention of gender violence and sexual assaults on women.
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for people with sensory and motor disabilities.
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for security, mental health and other high-risk professions.

For more information about these projects, consult the Science of Jiu Jitsu website:

Science of Jiu Jitsu Website

More information about Mario Rodriguez

Mario Rodriguez began practicing Brazilian jiu jitsu with Robin Gracie in 2007, who graduated him to a brown belt.

In 2012 he left Gracie Barcelona and began training at Asociación Araña with Yan Cabral where he remained until 2017, the year in which he became part of Academia Oscar Corrales and was graduated to black belt by Oscar Corrales and Andre Crispin.


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